We aim to provide a high quality mediation service for civil and commercial disputes at a sensible price. We are:
Nationally rated
The independent National Mediator Databse ranked mediators nationally based on feedback from lawyers and clients over a period of more than ten years, up until 2023. Our Senior Mediator, Martin Plowman, was the only mediator in the country to be ranked in the top three mediators nationally for ten consecutive years, occupying the number one spot in the league table for more than half of those years, Susan Blake achieved a top five ranking, and Richard O'Sullivan was also ranked as an elite commercial mediator. Martin is also a Fellow of the Civil Mediation Council and the author of Zen and the Art of Mediation, published by Law Brief Publishing.
Experienced in mediating in person or online
Mediating in person will always be a big part of what we do. But we’re also experienced in online mediation, which we recommend on pure mediation grounds. Basically, it’s more convenient, has comparable or better settlement rates than in person mediation, and it’s cheaper. The choice is yours.
You can check our mediators' availability online.
We have conducted over 2,000 commercial mediations. The feedback we've received is available to view.
We don't charge extra for "booking fees". Nor "preparation". Nor "extra hours" on the mediation day. These mediation fees are what you actually pay.
Our mediation fees are in proportion to the amount in dispute.
We mediate nationally. And we don't usually charge travel costs.
Quality Assured
We are accredited by the Civil Mediation Council and we comply with the European Code of Conduct for Mediators.
We are always happy to discuss whether a case is suitable for mediation. Without obligation.